q File Compression:
v gzip-Compress
Ü gzip file1 >> file1.gz >> zcat file1.gz [without decompressing the file we can read content]
Ü gzip -k file1 [keep the original file]
Ü gzip -r dir1 [zip all the under the directory]
Ü file file1.gz [Can check what type of file]
v gzip-DeCompress
Ü gzip -d file1.gz
Ü gunzip file1.gz
v bzip2-Compress
Ü bzip2 file1 >> file1.bz2 >> bzcat file1.bz2 [without decompressing the file we can read content]
v bzip2-DeCompress
Ü bzip2 -d file1.bz2
Ü bunzip2 file1.bz2
v xz-Compress
Ü xz file1 >> file1.xz >> xzcat file1.xz
v xz-DeCompress
Ü unxz file1.xz
Ü xz -d file1.xz
Ü tar -cJvf file.tar.xz
v Tar [Tape of archive]
Ü tar -cvf home.tar /home [c means create]
Ü tar -tvf home.tar [Check inside the file without untar]
Ü tar -xvf home.tar [ x means extract]
Ü tar -xvf home.tar -C /restore [untar specific location]
Ü tar -xzvf home.tar.gz [z means gz]
Ü tar -xjvf home.tar.bz2 [j means bz2]
v time tar -xvf home.tar [check real time]